Link to Racketball Ladder on Click HERERacketball Members have suggested that there is Interest in setting up a Racket Ball environment As webmaster I am prepared to help setting this up in conjunction with the proposed League Management System we are hoping to implement for squash. Squash players who are registered in this system need do nothing other than enter their names below and email me the of their desire to be included. Others should register with website Register to create your FREE account ( I would suggest a ladder would be an appropriate start. This would entail minimal interference from me. We can always take it from there if there is sufficient interest. See the synopsis from the squashleagues author below Several clubs already use the website for racketball leagues and ladders. They both work the same way for squash and racketball. There is a great deal of flexibility as to how to set up the ladder in the system but generally this is what happens: Any player can issue a challenge to any other players in the ladder who is above them. They can only challenge players up to a certain number of positions above them. If they lose the match then nothing changes in the ladder positions. If they win, then they move to the place previously occupied by the player they beat and everyone between them and their opponent move down one position. Challenges must be played within a certain number of days otherwise they are just ignored. Players can issue challenges to more than one player (optionally). I am interested in joining a Racketball Ladder ( use the contact page and indicate your intent )